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Vibe QM 3 Rice Analyzer


The Vibe QM3 Rice Analyzer measures, counts and classifies kernel size, shape and color. Analysis results are absolute, accurate and reproducible. One of the key features of the Vibe QM3 is the speed and accuracy of results. 25g samples of rice kernels can be analyzed and reported upon in less than 30 seconds using a simple 3 step process


The Vibe QM3 provides rice researchers, traders and processing companies an ‘expert’ inspection and analysis instrument that overcomes the limitations of subjectivity and speed that are evident in manual inspection methods. Furthermore, the superior resolution of the optical system in the QM3 provides higher levels of accuracy and reproducibility of results when compared with other instruments available in the market today.


Key Features

  • Milled, Brown, Paddy

  • Broken kernel (%)

  • Rice type classification: long, medium, short, mixed

  • Size analysis: Length, Width, Area, Length/Width ratio, Perimeter, Other Type

  • Abnormal color recognition :Chalky kernels, Yellow kernels, Heat damaged, Red lines, Black spots, Green kernels

  • 1,000 weight and kernel count

  • Group distribution sizing information













Integration to:

  • Digital weight scale

  • Moisture level monitor

  • Barcode reader

  • Laboratory and manufacturing information systems



Key Benefits:​

  • Reduces inspection time by factor of 10

  • Produce absolute, accurate and reproducible results

  • Results stored in a database for traceability and further analysis

  • Images of samples are saved for transability and further analysis

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